
Showing posts from 2018

Next New Media

A new media that I would suggest is merging all of the social media apps/ sites onto one app. Although it seems unrealistic considering it would have to hold a lot of data from different social media sites it would be cool. The app/ site would feature popular social media such as: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. Users would be able to access all of those social media accounts by going on one centralized app. I think this app would be convenient and also provide an incentive for others to sign up for other social media sites that are on the centralized app. 

Wiki So Far

I slowly have been contributing little bits of information and personal experiences on the class wiki. Some pages that I have created and/ or edited are in categories such as photography- I edited some information on one of the subsections. Fashion- I added new trends and celebrities being trendsetters. New media in social networking, New media in entertainment- such as Netflix and other streaming websites and I have been adding pictures to other categories as well. I have also added personal experiences in some of the above categories. I am planning to add/ edit the class wiki at least once per week until the end of the term. 


1. What is File sharing? File sharing is the distribution and providing access to digital media like audio, images, videos, computer programs, documents and e-books.  2.  What is P2P File sharing? P2P file sharing is the sharing and distribution of various kinds of digital media using P2P networking technology.  In peer-to- peer sharing, users use a software program (rather than a Web browser) to locate computers that have the files they want. 3.  What are some examples of P2P file sharing? The early stages of P2P file sharing was Napster and eDonkey2000. The second generation of P2P file sharing was Kazaa, Gnutella and Gnutella2. The third generation of P2P file sharing is called the darknets. P2P file sharing has been a problem in the movie industry for a long time and keeps growing.  " People have swapped illegal copies of songs, television shows and movies on the Internet for years. The slow download process, often using a peer-to-peer technology called BitTorre


The issues of privacy and confidentiality are very related to new media because of all the threats that occur online. Now that new media has become more and more popular, the privacy threats towards users are also growing. For example Facebook is going through a very difficult time because they were exposed of sharing millions of user data without their permission. A lot of users who use new media don't understand how much data they are really giving up when they go on new media such as social media platforms. Many social media platforms have and gain a lot of information on their users such as location, birthdays, and more. The more new media grows the less privacy users will really have on it.


If I was hired by Baruch College to use new media to improve the college I would suggest that classes implement more interactive communication. For example, blackboard discussions, blogs and twitter. All these platforms could help students communicate and stay interactive with each other in and outside of the classrooms. I also would suggest a website made just for baruch students where they can ask/ answer other students specific questions about Baruch. The last new media I would suggest is that Baruch college have an online platform where real employees in certain departments can answer some student's questions on a centralized website or platform. 

Creativity and New Media

Gifs have become more and more popular over the years. A Gif is image files that support animated and static images. There are many websites that have various Gifs imbedded in their platform. For example, Facebook, Tumblr and many other sites. One popular website where you can make your own Gif is Here are some Gifs I made below using 


New media technology allows people to share their creative ideas and thoughts easily and conveniently with others. " Technology companies have been the most active in relying on others to innovate for them. This is in large part because the Internet lets people exchange ideas easily and rapidly with large groups, and computing tools let people design new products cheaply." (Miller). Many companies now are using their audience and users to make changes or improve their products. With all of the new technology around us, it has become very convenient to share one's ideas and build on it with the feedback from others. " And some big, nontechnology companies are embracing user-generated innovation.  Ford Motor  noticed that people were modifying Sync, its voice-activated system for playing  music  and getting directions. Ford has invited university students to come up with new features for the in-car system." (Miller). Companies are noticing how beneficial user inte

Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds are becoming more and more popular throughout the years. A virtual world is an online community environment that allows users to interact in a fictional simulated world. Virtual worlds are mostly used for online games. But there are also many other uses for virtual worlds such as “ You can use virtual worlds in education, in delivery services, or as an advanced form of telehealthcare that offers so much more than videoconferencing. Virtual worlds can give us social connectivity, built-in support groups, and ways to avoid ever being alone again.” (Mehta).  Some pros is the interaction between different people all around the world and having a hobby of some sort. Another pro is that you are allowed to be whoever you want to be and do pretty much whatever you want like creating a persona. The cons is not really knowing who you are talking to or interacting with in these virtual worlds. Many virtual worlds allows users to be creative and custom build or design within their a

Blog: Social networking sites: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram

Social networking sites are growing rapidly day by day. Some of the most popular social networking sites today are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.  Facebook has millions of users daily. Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites to date. Many people use Facebook for social and business uses. Facebook allows users to share photos, statuses, news and allows you to follow friends. Facebook also allows you to "like" other pages or people whom you will see what they post on your newsfeed. People also use Facebook for business uses. For example, colleges and companies often use Facebook to get to know more about applicants.  Twitter is another popular social networking site. Twitter is different because of the "fast paced" environment. People use Twitter to read short tweets that show up on their homepage rather than other social networking sites whose posts are longer. Twitter use to limit users to 140 characters per tweet but

Blog about Twitter

Twitter is an online social networking site where users post and interact with messages and tweets. Twitter allows your to follow friends and other people around the world. Twitter allows you to interact with other by posting tweets on your page and also retweeting or replying to other tweets on other people's profiles. There are two big differences between BlackBoard Discussions and Twitter. The first difference is that Twitter use to only allow 140 characters when writing a tweet which limited many people's ability to write long tweets. But recently, Twitter has increased the character limit to 280. While BlackBoard Discussions don't have character limits so people are allowed to write as much as they want. The second difference between Twitter and BlackBoard Discussions are the amount of people you are allowed to interact with. Twitter allows you to interact with as many people or profiles as you wish. You are allowed to follow and reply/ retweet other people's

Blog Social networking

There are many social networking sites around now such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Many people use these networking sites for business and social uses. The benefits of these technologies are how convenient and easy to use they are to use. For example, to send a Facebook message only takes a few clicks rather than having to send an email or a hand written letter. Another benefit for sites such as LinkedIn is the accessibility to multiple job recruitments. "Social networking technology is absolutely the best thing to happen to recruiting — ever. " One of Crawford-Hentz's favorite sites is   Linkedin , a network of 8 million professionals spread across the world. Linkedin says users include executives from all of the Fortune 500 companies. Typing keywords into a search engine, Crawford can scrape the entire network to dig out high-quality candidates that she can't find elsewhere."(Langfitt). There are many positive benefits for using social networking sites s

BLOG: Blog v Wiki

"Wikipedia, one of the 10 most popular sites on the Web, was founded about eight years ago as a long-shot experiment to create a free encyclopedia from the contributions of volunteers, all with the power to edit, and presumably improve, the content." (Cohen). Wikipedia has been used by many people all over the internet. Wikipedia has gained immense popularity over the years because of the convenience of information on one centralized page. Wikipedia allows various people to edit, add or change information posted on certain pages. Although, this also means that wrong information could be posted on some Wikipedia pages. But Wikipedia has solved this problem by having a "new feature, called "flagged revisions," will require that an experienced volunteer editor for Wikipedia sign off on any change made by the public before it can go live." (Cohen). This addition to the requirements of editing a certain Wikipedia page has increased the credibility Wikipedia pa

Project Description

Topic: Social Networking: A Purposeful Loss of Privacy Social Networking has evolved and gained immense popularity. Social networking is used to communicate with friends, family or even employers. Although social networking has made communicating with others more convenient and easy, what is sacrificed might be a greater cost. The use of social networking has decreased the privacy and freedom of users all over the web.

About Me

Hi my name is Danica Lee. I am currently a junior at Baruch College with a major in Computer Information Systems and a minor in Information Technology and Social Responsibility. I live in Brooklyn and work in Manhattan as a part time intern under the computer department at a consulting firm. My hobbies include traveling, reading and Netflix.