BLOG: Blog v Wiki

"Wikipedia, one of the 10 most popular sites on the Web, was founded about eight years ago as a long-shot experiment to create a free encyclopedia from the contributions of volunteers, all with the power to edit, and presumably improve, the content." (Cohen). Wikipedia has been used by many people all over the internet. Wikipedia has gained immense popularity over the years because of the convenience of information on one centralized page. Wikipedia allows various people to edit, add or change information posted on certain pages. Although, this also means that wrong information could be posted on some Wikipedia pages. But Wikipedia has solved this problem by having a "new feature, called "flagged revisions," will require that an experienced volunteer editor for Wikipedia sign off on any change made by the public before it can go live." (Cohen). This addition to the requirements of editing a certain Wikipedia page has increased the credibility Wikipedia pages have now. "And Pagliarulo has used wikis to manage IT projects at EMC ever since. Meanwhile, EMC's use of wikis has expanded to support other business functions and purposes. "Wikis are now used broadly throughout EMC to store documents, create logs and encourage discussions," Pagliarulo says. "There are hundreds of communities used for project management and team-building." (Locker). I believe that Wikipedia has emerged to an important information site because of how fast and convenient it is to look something up online and being able to read a summary on the topic on one page. 

Blogs on the other hand are more private and customizable. I think blogs are interactive like Wiki is but in a different way. While Wikipedia allows various users to interact by editing certain pages, blogs allow users to interact by commenting on each others' posts. I think blogs have emerged in a big way in today's networked world because of the ability to customize and post whatever content they want while allowing others' to see and read each other's blogs. Blogs can be used for collaboration because people can get ideas and content from other blogs and also comment on each other's blogs. 

I think that Wiki could add a new feature where individuals can post questions for other Wiki users to answer and other users can answer citing other Wikipedia pages. 


  1. Hi - I think you did a great job analyzing the differences between a wiki and blog. I love the easy access to Wikipedia as it is informative and accurate for the most part. Wikipedia has always been my go-to page as an initial step for getting background information before I go more in depth. As for blogs, I love browsing through personal blogs as an hobby as I find them to be quite interesting and personable.

    Great read!

  2. Hey Danica,

    I think your post is very detailed and informative on blogs and wikis. I think you raise a great point in the way that blogs have evolved and similar to wikis, have become a community as well by allowing other bloggers to comment and offer feedback on posts. Blogs are a great way to network and work with others although it takes some time to build viewers to your page. Wikis have come a long way as well and even certain courses in school will allow for use of it as a secondary or complimentary form of information, although it is often still not considered trustworthy enough as a main source but I'm sure it will evolve over time.


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