Project Description

Topic: Social Networking: A Purposeful Loss of Privacy

Social Networking has evolved and gained immense popularity. Social networking is used to communicate with friends, family or even employers. Although social networking has made communicating with others more convenient and easy, what is sacrificed might be a greater cost. The use of social networking has decreased the privacy and freedom of users all over the web.


  1. Social networking has definitely decreases the privacy and freedom of users all over the web. Our information is literally everywhere, theres no escaping it. I think millennials are more in denial of the dangers of their privacy being so limited. They don't seem to care as much as the older generations.

  2. Hey Danica,

    I like your topic and there's a lot that can be said about privacy on the internet. What aspects of it are you focusing on? The individuals that are posting or the people that are receiving the information from a users posts? What methods are you using to collect data for your research on this topic?

    1. I am planning to focus on individuals posting and how their privacy is being exposed from that. But also how people are receiving the information (such as Facebook) from their users. I am planning to look at statistics and articles to do my research


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