Blog Social networking

There are many social networking sites around now such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Many people use these networking sites for business and social uses. The benefits of these technologies are how convenient and easy to use they are to use. For example, to send a Facebook message only takes a few clicks rather than having to send an email or a hand written letter. Another benefit for sites such as LinkedIn is the accessibility to multiple job recruitments. "Social networking technology is absolutely the best thing to happen to recruiting — ever. "One of Crawford-Hentz's favorite sites is Linkedin, a network of 8 million professionals spread across the world. Linkedin says users include executives from all of the Fortune 500 companies. Typing keywords into a search engine, Crawford can scrape the entire network to dig out high-quality candidates that she can't find elsewhere."(Langfitt). There are many positive benefits for using social networking sites such as convenience and accessibility. 
But I believe the negative side of social networking sites is the privacy. Sites such as Facebook has confusing and very detailed privacy settings that most people don't understand. "Facebook privacy settings are too confusing, and if you really don't want intimate photos out there, don't put 'em on Facebook. But also, don't expect to hide something if you do — everything can be shared and re-shared these days." (Greenfield). When one joins a social networking site, few realize how little privacy they really have. Another example of how users on social networking sites give up their privacy are Facebook ads. Facebook ads are suspiciously very personalized to each specific profile. For example, if I was shopping on the Macy's website, the next time I go on Facebook, I will most likely see an ad that has something to do with Macy's. I believe that social networking sites will evolve greatly in the future. Social networking sites will be the only way people communicate one day and applications such as Paypal or Chase Quickly will get rid of brick and mortar banks. 


  1. Hey Danica,
    I agree, privacy is rare and practically nonexistent on social networking sites such as Facebook. Its true that these sites are changing the way we view things and we are adopting it and finding different ways to use it in our everyday lives. I can also relate to your opinion about banks, I can’t remember the last time I went into one.

  2. I also experience similar shopping ads.. I can go from looking at an item on a website on Google Chrome on my phone then to my Instagram app and there it is! The item I was just looking at on a store's website is on my Instagram feed. It's a bit weird but I'm not surprised since none of us actually read the terms and conditions for the apps we use. The terms and conditions probably state that we give them permission to do this type of thing.


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