
Showing posts from March, 2018

Creativity and New Media

Gifs have become more and more popular over the years. A Gif is image files that support animated and static images. There are many websites that have various Gifs imbedded in their platform. For example, Facebook, Tumblr and many other sites. One popular website where you can make your own Gif is Here are some Gifs I made below using 


New media technology allows people to share their creative ideas and thoughts easily and conveniently with others. " Technology companies have been the most active in relying on others to innovate for them. This is in large part because the Internet lets people exchange ideas easily and rapidly with large groups, and computing tools let people design new products cheaply." (Miller). Many companies now are using their audience and users to make changes or improve their products. With all of the new technology around us, it has become very convenient to share one's ideas and build on it with the feedback from others. " And some big, nontechnology companies are embracing user-generated innovation.  Ford Motor  noticed that people were modifying Sync, its voice-activated system for playing  music  and getting directions. Ford has invited university students to come up with new features for the in-car system." (Miller). Companies are noticing how beneficial user inte

Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds are becoming more and more popular throughout the years. A virtual world is an online community environment that allows users to interact in a fictional simulated world. Virtual worlds are mostly used for online games. But there are also many other uses for virtual worlds such as “ You can use virtual worlds in education, in delivery services, or as an advanced form of telehealthcare that offers so much more than videoconferencing. Virtual worlds can give us social connectivity, built-in support groups, and ways to avoid ever being alone again.” (Mehta).  Some pros is the interaction between different people all around the world and having a hobby of some sort. Another pro is that you are allowed to be whoever you want to be and do pretty much whatever you want like creating a persona. The cons is not really knowing who you are talking to or interacting with in these virtual worlds. Many virtual worlds allows users to be creative and custom build or design within their a

Blog: Social networking sites: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram

Social networking sites are growing rapidly day by day. Some of the most popular social networking sites today are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.  Facebook has millions of users daily. Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites to date. Many people use Facebook for social and business uses. Facebook allows users to share photos, statuses, news and allows you to follow friends. Facebook also allows you to "like" other pages or people whom you will see what they post on your newsfeed. People also use Facebook for business uses. For example, colleges and companies often use Facebook to get to know more about applicants.  Twitter is another popular social networking site. Twitter is different because of the "fast paced" environment. People use Twitter to read short tweets that show up on their homepage rather than other social networking sites whose posts are longer. Twitter use to limit users to 140 characters per tweet but

Blog about Twitter

Twitter is an online social networking site where users post and interact with messages and tweets. Twitter allows your to follow friends and other people around the world. Twitter allows you to interact with other by posting tweets on your page and also retweeting or replying to other tweets on other people's profiles. There are two big differences between BlackBoard Discussions and Twitter. The first difference is that Twitter use to only allow 140 characters when writing a tweet which limited many people's ability to write long tweets. But recently, Twitter has increased the character limit to 280. While BlackBoard Discussions don't have character limits so people are allowed to write as much as they want. The second difference between Twitter and BlackBoard Discussions are the amount of people you are allowed to interact with. Twitter allows you to interact with as many people or profiles as you wish. You are allowed to follow and reply/ retweet other people's